Monday, February 7, 2022

Caught Red Handed: What Your Kiddos Should Catch You Doing


    We’ve said it before, and we’ll probably say it again. For better or worse your children are always watching and learning from you. They imitate what they see, and what you do means so much more than what you say. So here are things you should let your kiddos catch you doing. It’s these kinds of seemingly little things that become our legacy. They’re the things that have the power to become big when it comes to shaping how our children remember us and the kind of people they will become. So here are some things we should all try to be caught doing a little bit more in our day-to-day life.

They SHOULD catch you loving others

Be it a spouse, your friends, your parents, or your children themselves, the way we love others matters. Being able to love people the way they need to be loved and even more importantly allowing others to love and connect with us is so pivotal.  We’ve all heard the adage girls marry a man like their father, and the same goes for the opposite. I remember laughing and saying it wouldn’t be true and yet here we are. So knowing that how could we not prioritize actively demonstrating love and receiving love. If our example becomes the foundation for our children’s understanding of healthy relationships and how to connect with others, then it should be at the forefront of who I am and what I do. It doesn’t have to be big, huge rom com worthy declaration, but there are dozens of ways each day that you can shower people with love. The love you pour into others should show in your thoughts, in your words, and in your deeds. And that kind of example has priceless power. It may be a small action today, but it has the power to show our children what sort of relationships they should seek out themselves.

They SHOULD catch you working hard and doing chores

                Parenting and family is a team effort. When we are off work, we are not off duty, only wearing a different kind of hat. It is important that our children understand that and catch us working and working hard. Sure, we all hate chores, some more than others. It is easy after a long workday to try to put that off on someone else or claim it’s not your responsibility or can wait. But it so important that your kids see your willingness to help no matter the task and to understand that everyone has a part to do. That kind of ethic and expectation that we are a team where everyone chips in and that you must work hard are priceless. So teach your children what the value of working hard really looks like, even when it isn’t our favorite.

They SHOULD catch you apologizing

                Let’s be honest, no one enjoys being wrong. It is our natural reaction to try to rationalize our actions and make them seem smaller. Raising a Warrior, however, rarely involves taking the easy way out. One of the biggest differences between the good and the bad is the ability to take responsibility for our actions and shortcomings and try to make right our wrongs. Our kiddos will not learn this responsible vulnerability that is so necessary for good relationships if we can’t own up to and seek forgiveness for our own failures. So, don’t be afraid to let your kids catch you being wrong and apologizing, even if it’s to them.

So, there you have it parents, more parenting wisdom from your Warrior team. Now go get caught red handed leading by example. You’ve got this!


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