Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Things to Chase in 2021

     There is such a push in today's culture to be successful. And success is great. It's a powerful motivator. I mean who wouldn't want to be rich, recognized, and have the nicest and newest things? Success, however, is NOT our greatest calling. In fact it can fade very quickly. This happens for several reasons: 1) because success is dependent on the ebb and flow of the economy 2) because there is always someone with more than us 3) and lastly because success stops benefiting you the day you die.

     So in this magical time of fresh start's and resolutions that New Year's brings we want too, as a group of parents, stop chasing success in 2021 and instead seek something more meaningful. This year we want to focus on seeking significant. Polish-American author, Leo Rosten is quoted to say:

"I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be compassionate. It is, above all to matter, to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all.

     What a powerful purpose that is! To matter and to make a lasting difference by your presence. This is the kind of purpose that we can spend our whole life chasing. Significance lasts- even after we are old and gone. Significance satisfies our soul and is the lifestyle that keeps on giving. Because if I can make a significant enough impact in your life... then you going on to positively affect another... and they are now forever changed and that impacts the life of another... who then touches another... on and on as long as we have the will to strive to be more. We are such firm believers in significance that it is a huge part of our everything we do. We know that if we continue to significantly impact the lives of our students and families during their time at Warrior's Way then they will continue on and impact many others by the examples they set and the lives they lead.

   So let's make 2021 different. Instead of resolutions that will begin to fizzle out before February let's make every day a step towards lasting change. This year let's consciously chase significance, minute by minute, day by day. Don't let it be another year where we feel things will be different and then as we miss that mark all of our good intentions get bottled up and stored away until the promise of a new year and new beginnings kindles that passionate hope once again. Look over this list of simple steps to start leading a life of more significance today:

Live a life worth copying:
     Life is short. We all know it, but we don't like to think about it. And that's a little unfortunate. Because when you think about how finite and precious your time is you begin to live your life differently. You are never to young or too old to start building your legacy. How do you want to be remembered? What do you want to accomplish? Does your character, and integrity stand out to others? Do you lead your life in private with the same care and standards you do in public? When you lead a life of integrity it shows. Others will notice and remember that much more than what fancy car you drove.

Invest your time wisely:
     If our time is finite then we need to invest it in things that will bring us the most joy in the long run. Working extra hours, and weekends to make more is great from time to time, but at what cost? Are you missing birthday parties, dance recitals, belt testing? If you invested even half of that extra work time into yourself, your relationships, your family would it make a marked difference? In this season of parenting it is easy to feel like things will always be the way it is now. But our children are growing, at an increasingly fast rate. We promise to see their next play, but what if they grow beyond this interest before you make time? We are living in the good ole days right now. When we look back on our lives we will realize that these were the days. Don't look back with regret. Invest more of your time into the things that truly payoff now.

Leave work at work:
     Many of us are guilty of this. We take pride in our work and we want/need to do well. But our bosses don't care about your family. They don't see the importance of your child's soccer game or latest choir performance. And they won't unless you also make it a priority. Our jobs will constantly seek more and more of our time because that is just good business. Don't let them steal what precious little we have to devote to our families. Think of the elderly in your life. The parents, grandparents, and great grandparents. What do they spend their time reminiscing and telling stories about? Is it all professional conquests or is it that one time Uncle Billy cut little Suzie's hair that is shared? 

     So leave work at work. Invest in the things that truly matter. Lead your life by standards that will be remembered and push those around you to be better. Give yourself things to look back on and celebrate by spending your off duty hours wisely. Stop chasing success. And let's start seeking a life of significance together. 2021 is your family's year. You just have to make it a priority together. This year can be different if everyday our resolutions are renewed.


Monday, December 16, 2019

Instructor Spotlight: Mr. Arron

Mr. Arron is AWESOME! 

He has grown up in our Little Warrior's program and we are excited to be his very first job. He is one of our hardest working Junior Black Belts and moved up early into our Adult program because of it. We're excited to see him grow into this new capacity and help raise another generation of Warriors!

Mr. Arron strives to teach our Little Warriors:
"To never give up! Dedication and perseverance can get you through anything."

The kiddos love Mr. Arron because:
  1. He isn't afraid to get on their level and train with them until they get something right.
  2. He is very positive and upbeat no matter what might be going on.
  3. He is a great example of a Junior Black Belt and the amazing things they can achieve while working hard at Warrior's Way
A few of Mr. Arron's favorite things:
      Mr. Arron loves training. He started classes when he was 4 in our Little Dragon's program and is still working hard to improve 11 years later. He loves that martial arts is a journey that never ends because there is always room for growth. He might even beat Miss Alana's record for going through all of our classes and being the youngest Full Instructor! Mr. Arron's favorite martial arts techniques are weapons drills because they have a nice flow and he can get very fast at it and push himself. In addition to his love of Warrior's Way, Mr. Arron loves playing video games, filming, and eating his mom's lumpia.

A little bit more about Mr. Arron:
      Mr. Arron is a 15 year old with a big heart. Upon receiving his first paycheck this self-less Burkburnett high school student donated money to be sent to buy much needed supplies and presents for children in the Philippines. Mr. Arron dreams of being a pilot and traveling the world and his life motto is to "live in the moment." We love his attitude and the hardworking personality he helps our young Warrior's develop. He is definitely one of those 'big brother' figures our student's can look up too.

Mr. Arron we are excited to have you on our team. Raising awesome Warrior's is easier with your shining example. You're a rock star!

Some throwback baby Warrior pics of Mr. Arron just for fun...

Mr. Arron started training when he was 4. He watched every single one of his brother's classes while being treated for a brain tumor until it was considered safe for him to come back to class.

                   Black Belt Test Sparring vs Mr. Jake
Arron sparring Tuhon during his Black Belt Test
A throwback to Mr. Arron's long hair days
Arron (right) looking fierce holding his first weapon


Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Parenting Intentionally

     When you think of parenting how do you view it? Is it a job? Your duty? Or is it a little too messy to fit in those descriptors? Would you consider parenting a relationship with your child? No matter what word you choose we know that parenting cannot be done on autopilot. It is too beautiful and important for that. Our child needs and deserves more than that. The truth is parenting needs to be thought out, focused, and goal driven. Parenting, simply put, needs to be intentional.

     Sadly far too many of us are guilty of parenting by default. It isn't necessarily something we purposefully do and it isn't always bad. It is more like a parenting reflex. When we are faced with something new or unknown we tend to fall back on our instinctual default. And this reflex response (be it good or bad) is shaped by our personal history and how we were raised.

     So many things are influenced by our upbringing. Our work ethic, our budgeting, how we celebrate holidays, what we prioritize with our time, our attitudes and opinions all come back to how we were raised. Sometimes in parenting we seek to follow that model, other times improve it and sometimes (depending on how it went) we choose to move in direct opposition of that upbringing. And all of these decisions, conscious or not, will have a long lasting impact on the lives of our children.

     The truth is there are a million and one ways to do this parenting thing and multiple ways to do it right. That isn't the problem. But why leave our child's character and future up to chance? When we take the time to figure out what we desire for our child, what our families core beliefs, values, and priorities are going to be then we can take a step away from autopilot, set some goals, and start intentionally crushing this parenting thing. So this week we wanted to give you Warrior parents a simple action plan to evaluate your parenting and if need be give it a little more direction.


1) Look to someone you admire: This could be anyone, past or present, that has been a part of your life. We know that no one is perfect, but there are positive and effective bits of parenting to be learned and pulled from those around us. If these admired people are currently in your life talk to them. Ask questions. Figure out what works and what doesn't. Anytime we aren't learning we aren't growing. And our children need us to learn and grow right along with them. This is a partnership and there isn't an easy answer or path to follow. Don't be afraid to look outside of 'your box' for inspiration.

2) Evaluate your present and compare it to the past: Looking to the past is always an interesting experience no matter who you are. And no, we aren't asking you to focus on the highs and lows of your childhood. To do that is to view the past through the eyes of the child that you were. We want you to instead look at your childhood through the lens of the parent that you are now. How did they interact with you? What did they verbally teach you? What did their actions teach you? What stands out to you and why? Now look at yourself. Do you see a pattern to your interactions with your child? Do your words match your actions? What unspoken lessons are you teaching them? Is your parenting reflex going a direction you want to stick with? Is it successful or does it need to be modified?

Image result for child looking up to parent

1) Write it down: A good introspection can be eye opening. But all that desire to change isn't going to get us anywhere if it is out of sight out of mind. So write down what you've realized. What are your parenting reflexes? Which do you like and dislike? Do you yell because that's what you were exposed to growing up? What do the people you admire do that you would like to try? What characteristics do you definitely want your child to develop? A goal without a plan is just a wish so take the time to write it down. Then communicate it with the individuals who are on your team, helping raise your child with you. Consistency and accountability is the key to crushing goals so hash it out with everyone and get on the same page.

2) Show what is important: Our actions speak so much louder than our words. We show our kids everyday what is most important to us just by living our lives. Like it or not, our children see when we choose our phone, our job, or our own sanity over them. They pick up on the unspoken things and learn to tread carefully when we are short on patience and time. It's okay for them to pick up on the fact that we are human, that is a reality of parenting. But even more there are so many other characteristics we want them to develop: like patience, respect, bravery, kindness, and self-discipline. We could talk about these traits until we're blue in the face, but the very best way to show a child is to simply embody them. Kids are smart. A child remembers the character traits (good and bad) that they see you regularly use. Don't let your actions betray your words. Show them daily what really matters and their strength of character will begin to move in that direction. 

3) Spend time on task: When life get's busy (and we all know it does) we tend to undervalue the things that should always remain our top priority. We all have good intentions to spend time with our children individually, but amongst a never ending to-do list sometimes one more game of Uno, one episode of a favorite show together, one more trip to the park just doesn't seem feasible. There is a balance here, however. The work will always remain, but our children are only little for so long. Dishes can wait. 10-15 minutes of daily focused attention doing something together shouldn't just be a goal of intentional parents; it should be non-negotionable. Our priorities show by what we spend time doing, more than what we say. So be intentional with your time. We are living in "the good ole days" right now. So take time to enjoy your children by participating in what they like, showing them how to act, and by above all being intentionally present and available.

     We hope this helps you reflects on where you are and where you want to be Warrior parents. And then that you use this to forage ahead, INTENTIONALLY, savoring the moments to come. You and your child are partners in this endeavor of growing up. And we can't wait to see where that journey takes you. As always if you need help, we are on your team and at your back. You've got this Warrior parents!
