Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Being Brave is a Decision

With our hectic lives it's easy to get too busy and forget the little things.
However, you want to make sure you don't miss opportunities to teach
you kiddo important life lessons.  Take advantage of moments you are given
to teach them things like compassion, strength, kindness and bravery.
They are not born with these attributes. They are all choices you have to make.
It's our job to motivate them to make that choice!!

"Being brave is not a feeling. It is a decision. It is a decision that compassion is more important than fear, more important than fitting in, and more important than following the crowd."
As parents, teacher, coaches, role models etc. We HAVE to teach the next generation these important life lessons. At Warrior's Way, daily, we teach lessons as soon as they arise. Daily you can motivate your child to make a conscious decision to be brave. Pointing out bravery in simple mundane things will boost their ability to choose bravery in hard things. Point out how impressed you are by their bravery in going to school and taking a spelling test. Whether they are in 1st grade or 10th grade, it is still hard at the time. 

Doing something as simple as this will wire their brain to be brave when it is hard. Whether it's standing up to a bully, giving a speech/presentation in college, you will have wired their brain early on that THEY CAN do hard things and they ARE BRAVE. They have been brave since they were little so what is stopping them now as a teenager or young adult?

In your day to day lives, look for teachable moments. Look for the moments when you can help your child learn and grow to be a strong and capable adult one day.

You've got this! We've got this.


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