Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Raising Happier Children: A Warrior Parent's Guide Part Two

 A Hug a Day Keeps Blue Monday Away 💙 - Lingokids    Helping your child find happiness within is so pivotal to their continued well-being. Far too many people waste their precious time seeking happiness and joy outside of themselves. They seek it in their jobs, in riches, in the cars they drive, the trips they take, and the number of likes they get while "living their best life." And while you can find external things that bring you joy, it is mostly fleeting and always comes at a cost. Success in the work place for example can bring joy, but at what cost to your family and so on. So this week is part two of our warrior parent's guide to raising happier children. Let's keep on pushing!

Build Your Relationships
     Relationships have a lot of power over our happiness. And while we want to be happy just in ourselves, having the skills and emotional intelligence to build healthy relationships can go a long ways towards increasing our present and future happiness. So teach your child to build their relationships. Teach them that relationships are like a bank. You have to invest time and energy into them to be able to make a withdrawal later on. Teach them to be thoughtful- to do kind things just because. Teach them to be empathetic and consider how another might feel. Teach them to be aware of the effect they have on others. Teach them to treat others how they want to be treated. Teach them to be able to verbalize what they're feeling and what they want. Teach them about boundaries. Model the kind of wholesome relationships they should seek out. And in doing so you are setting them up for success in the relationships they will later choose to pursue.

Teach Them To Invest Their Time
     Our time is our most precious resource we have to give because it is so finite. So teach your child to invest their time wisely. Yes Netflix, YouTube, and video games can be a lot of fun. But do we really want them investing weeks of their time into them? Teach your kiddo to invest their time in themselves. Teach them to absorb and learn as much as they possibly can. Teach them to be resourceful. Teach them to pursue their hobbies, to continually strive to make themselves better. And who knows these passions might even become their future job or a lucrative side hustle.
Invest Your Time Wisely « Old Towne
Form Happiness Habits
     We all have things that we can do to make ourselves feel better. It's sort of like an emergency self care tool kit that is individualized to you. Help your child find theirs. Maybe after a stressful morning you just need a cup of coffee. Maybe reading before bed helps you relax. We all have rituals that we do when we're feeling low and it's important that our children know this isn't selfish, it's essential. So show them your happiness habits or pick me ups and help them find their own. Whether it's journaling, expressing yourself artistically, dancing it out, deep cleaning, our children need some tried and true methods to help them cope when life is hard. And by teaching them that self care is an important part of our well-being they might just be a little more understanding when you need some time for yourself also.

The Power of Optimism
     We've all met pessimistic people and we can definitely say that we would rather face the teenage years with a child who is not a pessimist. The way we view scenarios, situations, and challenges can greatly impact our happiness levels. So teach your child to view that glass as half full. Have them view the world around them positively. It will make today, tomorrow, and everything in between that much brighter.

     So that's that! Two weeks worth of mini happiness projects for you and your family to work on. We hope that as you spend some time building these habits into your life that you will notice more happiness and less contention in your home. And who doesn't need a little boost of happiness in their lives? Happy parenting! 


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