Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Raising Happier Children: A Warrior Parent's Guide Part One

10 Secrets & Effective Tips to Raise a Happy Child
     If you could only wish one thing for your child when they are grown what would it be? Would you wish them riches? Would you wish for success? Would you wish for the perfect relationship? Or would you simply wish them happiness? For most of us parents happiness is the goal. We know that extrinsic things like big paychecks, perfect relationships, nice jobs and exotic vacations can help our child live a happier life, but it doesn't necessarily guarantee it. Happiness, simply put, has to come from within. An attitude and outlook of happiness is a learned trait, it has to be a habit of mindfulness. Which is lucky for us because wishes don't exist and this is a trait within our power to gift to our child. So this week's blog is about raising children who aren't just happy, but are also capable of choosing happiness when things are hard.

Maintain Your Awe
     Remember the wonder of your child the first time they experienced something new? Remember their joy on that first amusement park ride? The joy of that first bite of cake? As our children get older they naturally lose a little bit of that sense. Things seem less magical and more mundane to them. It becomes their norm. And it's hard to see the magic and wonder in our everyday life. You have to choose daily to find that everyday magic. So maybe that's teaching your child to notice when a flower blooms. Maybe that's taking a moment to find shapes in the clouds. Maybe it's finding a penny and picking it up. Maybe you play in the rain or have a dance party at every stop light. The world around us is incredible, we just have to choose to see that. So teach your child to celebrate the normal and everyday, because that is where we spend a huge amount of our time. Being able to find your joy in the mundane, that is priceless.

Managing Your Expectations
     We parents realize what is in our realm of control and what isn't. Weekend plans can be ruined by weather. People get sick and are unable to follow through with events. Stuff happens. It's a hard fact of life. But even the most perfect adventure can be ruined if it doesn't line up with our internal picture of how the day will play out. Being able to acknowledge and manage our expectations helps us lead a happier life. So teach your child to do this. If you have a big event or trip coming up ask them what they're looking forward too. And if it boarders into the realm of fantasy help them reign those expectations back to earth. This will make events and adventures better for everyone involved because their won't be anyone with a bad attitude because their picture perfect day wasn't as perfect as they had hoped for. 

Cultivate Gratitude
     It's a well known fact that having an attitude of gratitude helps increases our overall health and happiness. In fact cultivating a gratitude habit strengthens all of these other practices we're listing. And there are so many quick and easy ways to do this. Maybe you keep a journal where you note the wonderful things in your life (I personally have a continually ongoing note on my phone where I can quickly input a date and what made me smile. It's a tangible reminder of all the good when things get hard). Maybe you take turns mentioning something you're thankful for at family meals. Maybe you make it a habit to show your gratitude to one person every single day. These are the kind of habits that stick with you through the years. And the more you do it, the greater the joy. So find a way to cultivate gratitude as a family and do it daily.

     Like many things in this life, happiness is a choice. It takes a little practice and a whole lot of thoughtfulness, but it is one of those life long traits that keeps on giving. So work on building these habits up as a family. Not only are you securing a happier future for your Little Warrior, you are also laying the foundation for a happier home life today. Because happiness can be just as contagious as a bad attitude to those who you are around the most. We believe in you!


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