Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Instructor Spotlight: Miss Kat

Miss Kat is AWESOME! 

She started out as one of our Little Warrior parents and is now a part of our team and beginning to train with her husband in our adult classes. Talk about a rock star momma!!!

Miss Kat strives to teach our Little Warriors:
"To be extremely grateful and respectful to others."

The kiddos love Miss Kat because:
  1. She laughs at all their jokes (no matter how cheesy)
  2. She is super sassy 24/7 and loves to have fun
  3. She engages in their stories and loves hearing about all their hopes, dreams, and accomplishments
A few of Miss Kat's favorite things:

      Miss Kat loves everything in her bright, big world so she has trouble just choosing a favorite. She loves all bright, sparkly colors. This varied love of the rainbow shows in her unique and shimmery eye shadow choices that vary daily. If she had to choose a favorite of all time, however, it's gotta be lime green. Miss Kat is generous in her love no matter what the topic. In addition to loving all the colors she loves all animals too much to choose a favorite (although we finally got her to admit that ocean animals are pretty cool). This easy going, unconditionally loving attitude is one of the reasons our kiddos love interacting and spending time with Miss Kat. It's no surprise that her love for others and all the things led her to work as an LVN, and now working with children here at Warrior's Way.

A little bit more about Miss Kat:

      Miss Kat is a self proclaimed country bumpkin who grew up in nearby Seymour. No matter her country roots, Miss Kat is a busy bee. This married and working momma of 17 years is always on the go. She, her husband Brian, and son Quintyn (who is in our Little Warrior's programs and has been for the past year) are very active in their local church at FBC of Holliday and enjoy working with the youth by volunteering what little extra time they have to coach kid's soccer and baseball teams during the year. In between all of their volunteering activities this awesome momma still finds time to renovate their new home, and enjoy creative pastimes like painting and scrapbooking. Our super mom also finds time to chase around their three dogs (Rocky, Zuma, and Rubble- definitely a tribute to the popular Paw Patrol) and still finds time to practice martial arts with her son Quintyn. In fact, their household is usually practicing whatever he just learned in Black Belt Club or preparing for the next tournament that is coming up in our Academy. Overall Miss Kat works hard because she loves to play hard. If you're ever wondering whats next for this sweet family of three you can always count on Miss Kat to already be planning their next family vacation or unique new experience.

Miss Kat we are excited to have you with us. We love having your friendly and fun personality on our team, helping make Little Warrior's days brighter!


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