Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Chores: To Do or Do Not?

     When we were growing up chores were the norm. Everyone had a job, no matter the age, and everyone chipped in to make things around the house run smoothly. However, as the demands on our time have socially increased things in the home have changed from generation to generation. Where chores were once required, now in some households they have become optional or merely appreciated. So whether you are on the fence about chores, require them, or prefer to passive aggressively suggest things be done around the house here are some excellent reasons why we think all Warriors should grow up doing chores.

Image result for family doing choresChores Teach Life Skills
     Yes our children are young, but they won't be forever. Chores are the life skills everyone has to deal with unless they're rich enough to have someone do it for them. You have to eat, you have to have clean clothes, you have to keep up with your car, and you have to have a home. These basic necessities require skilled upkeep. And if we don't take the time to teach them now the college years will be an adjustment. So take the time to teach them the mundane day to day basic life skills they'll need to live on their own and support themselves. Trust me on this one... it isn't always done. You would be amazed how often we have to take the time to show our teen instructors how to change a light bulb or a tire, or plunge a toilet because they've never had too.

Chores Build a Strong Work Ethic
     A good work ethic is required to make it in today's profession driven world. And sadly you either have it or you don't. Chores teach children from a young age that sometimes you have to do your job- whether you feel like it or not. Life isn't going to patiently wait for them to feel like doing their job and neither should you. Don't just appreciate completed chores, require them. Teach them the importance of working hard and taking pride in a task well done. Chores teach a roll up your sleeves, pitch in and get the unpleasant work knocked out for the betterment of the whole group attitude. That mentality really sets you apart in today's workplace and it might just be the difference between working fast food for the rest of their life and shooting for the stars.

Chores Teach Responsibility & Self Reliance
     We want our children to be able to care for themselves when they're older. That doesn't mean we won't always be there for them. We just don't want 27 year old Josh living rent free in our basement without a care in the world. Our job as parents is to work ourselves out of a job so to speak. If our kid's are incapable of caring for themselves and managing their own lives without interference than we have seriously failed somewhere. Chores is where we teach them those first skills in cleaning up after themselves. Chores gives us a tool where they learn to take responsibility for the tidiness of their life and things. It also gives us a method to install lessons like you have to work hard to get to play hard. Life doesn't just hand our children their dreams on a silver platter and neither should we. They're going to have to take responsibility for their future and the things they want, and they're going to have to rely on their skills and talents to make it to the top.

Related imageChores Foster Team Work
     We spend our entire life a part of, contributing, and supporting various teams. Whether you're supporting family, friends, a work team, sport's mates, etc we all have a role to play in the give and take of the teamwork circles in our lives. Since our families are the first team we are a part of it truly is the safest place to learn these valuable skill sets. So use chores to teach your Little Warrior that everyone's role is important. Use chores to teach them how team mates help each other. Use chores to teach them that surrounding themselves with a strong team makes their life better. Teach them to help other's when they're having a hard time. Teach them to cooperate when things change and to teach other's patiently. These skills will carry them into the work field, relationships, and beyond so take the time to instill them carefully.

Chores Reinforce Respect
     Most of us don't truly appreciate our parents and all they did for us until we've moved out and it's all up to us. Assigning chores opens their eyes to this a little sooner. It helps them appreciate all you do for them before they're adults and off to college. It also instills a sense of kindness and respect for their impact on others. I may not have to clean up this mess because it isn't my assigned duty, but chores allow me to see that if I am inconsiderate it makes your job harder. Chores also teach us to respect and care for the things we own. I was told to clean my room countless times as a child. My mom could have done it for me, but I wouldn't have learned to value my belongings without having accidentally stepping on and breaking my favorite toy in my disaster of a room. Those lessons stick with you and help you care for things like a car, an apartment, a work space, a family, and a home as you grow.

     So whether you're a family that expects or appreciates chores take a moment to consider whether your Little Warrior and you might benefit from a little time on task working around the home. Seems to us it could make a world of a difference!


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