Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Instructor Spotlight: Mr. John

Mr. John is AWESOME! 

Mr. John's upbeat energy, constant jokes, & happy attitude makes him a rock star on the mat!

Mr. John strives to teach our Little Warriors:
"To have fun and always be yourself."

The kiddos love Mr. John because:
He is always joking with them and making them laugh
He has an awesome attitude no matter what
He is full of the most random facts and trivia
He truly knows all the memes and quotable YouTube moments

A few of Mr. John's favorite things:
Reading! Mr. John is never without a book or his trusty kindle. He is always encouraging others to try new series and learn new things. It is one of the things he brings to class that we absolutely love. In addition to loving pizza Mr. John also loves the show Game of Thrones and re-watching the movie Interstellar. 

A little bit more about Mr. John:
Mr. John (or Mister Jay according to his friends- definitely a Batman/Joker reference) used to be in our Little Warriors program many years ago. He has a lot of confidence and is always up for an invigorating debate. He truly loves to make people reconsider their typical views and think outside of their comfort zone. One of our favorite things about him is the example of confidence and courtesy that Mr. John shows our children every day even when his opinion might not be the most popular or correct. And although he may joke and tease daily, he truly is the kind of friend that has your back no matter what.

Here's some Little Warrior pics of Mr. John from his younger student days for you to enjoy:

Mr. John you're a rock star! Thank you for being you & making all of our days brighter because of it.


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