Thursday, January 17, 2019

Courtesy, More than Mere Politeness

     Today’s generation places a huge emphasis on confidence, independence, and a strong sense of self-esteem. These characteristics are ones we value as a society because we see them as essentially useful for succeed in this highly competitive age. As parents, we want our children to know themselves so they can speak their mind, stand up for what they believe in, and reach their dreams. But all this emphasis of valuing self has come with an unexpected cost, the cost of devaluing others.
Image result for kid on device ignoring others     We see evidence of this all around in our day to day lives. We see this lack of courtesy in children who don’t acknowledge when someone enters the room, teens or young adults who still haven’t mastered the art of not interrupting or turning off their devices to actually have a real conversation, and children who can’t resolve the simplest of disputes because they’re so wrapped up in THEIR thoughts, THEIR feelings, and THEIR emotions. 
     So how do we start this process of teaching our Little Warrior’s courtesy? First we have to take a look at what courtesy truly is and should be. The core of courtesy is much deeper than mere politeness. It stems from the knowledge that other’s have just as much worth and a right to dignity as you. It is an inherent belief that intentionally harming others or their property is inherently wrong. Courtesy is the lens of compassion and respect that we view others through and it helps us channel even our strongest emotions when interacting with others. And sadly, courtesy appears to be rapidly going out of style. 

Related image     The good news it is never too late to start focusing on these Warrior virtues in your home and with your child. We don’t have finishing schools anymore, but you’ve got us and both on the mat and off it. The following article has some common courtesies, which are no longer common, to begin instilling in your home. Uncommon common courtesies include how to write a thank you note, how to change a conversation politely and with consideration of others, having empathy for people’s feelings, how to be a good house guest or play date, how to hold a good dinner conversation, etc.

     The truth is courtesy impacts too many aspects of our lives for us to overlook this life changing lesson when it comes to the business of raising our children. The rest of the world has plenty of influence on our growing child as is. And they definitely don’t have our child’s best interest at hearts. So take that extra time to redirect the moral compass of your home and don’t just settle for politeness. We know that if you make this the monthly focus of your home you will begin to notice a positive change in the ambiance of your home and the dividends these lessons will play in your child’s future truly are priceless.

Enjoy leveling up your home life, Black Belt parents!


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