Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Things to Chase in 2021

     There is such a push in today's culture to be successful. And success is great. It's a powerful motivator. I mean who wouldn't want to be rich, recognized, and have the nicest and newest things? Success, however, is NOT our greatest calling. In fact it can fade very quickly. This happens for several reasons: 1) because success is dependent on the ebb and flow of the economy 2) because there is always someone with more than us 3) and lastly because success stops benefiting you the day you die.

     So in this magical time of fresh start's and resolutions that New Year's brings we want too, as a group of parents, stop chasing success in 2021 and instead seek something more meaningful. This year we want to focus on seeking significant. Polish-American author, Leo Rosten is quoted to say:

"I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be compassionate. It is, above all to matter, to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all.

     What a powerful purpose that is! To matter and to make a lasting difference by your presence. This is the kind of purpose that we can spend our whole life chasing. Significance lasts- even after we are old and gone. Significance satisfies our soul and is the lifestyle that keeps on giving. Because if I can make a significant enough impact in your life... then you going on to positively affect another... and they are now forever changed and that impacts the life of another... who then touches another... on and on as long as we have the will to strive to be more. We are such firm believers in significance that it is a huge part of our everything we do. We know that if we continue to significantly impact the lives of our students and families during their time at Warrior's Way then they will continue on and impact many others by the examples they set and the lives they lead.

   So let's make 2021 different. Instead of resolutions that will begin to fizzle out before February let's make every day a step towards lasting change. This year let's consciously chase significance, minute by minute, day by day. Don't let it be another year where we feel things will be different and then as we miss that mark all of our good intentions get bottled up and stored away until the promise of a new year and new beginnings kindles that passionate hope once again. Look over this list of simple steps to start leading a life of more significance today:

Live a life worth copying:
     Life is short. We all know it, but we don't like to think about it. And that's a little unfortunate. Because when you think about how finite and precious your time is you begin to live your life differently. You are never to young or too old to start building your legacy. How do you want to be remembered? What do you want to accomplish? Does your character, and integrity stand out to others? Do you lead your life in private with the same care and standards you do in public? When you lead a life of integrity it shows. Others will notice and remember that much more than what fancy car you drove.

Invest your time wisely:
     If our time is finite then we need to invest it in things that will bring us the most joy in the long run. Working extra hours, and weekends to make more is great from time to time, but at what cost? Are you missing birthday parties, dance recitals, belt testing? If you invested even half of that extra work time into yourself, your relationships, your family would it make a marked difference? In this season of parenting it is easy to feel like things will always be the way it is now. But our children are growing, at an increasingly fast rate. We promise to see their next play, but what if they grow beyond this interest before you make time? We are living in the good ole days right now. When we look back on our lives we will realize that these were the days. Don't look back with regret. Invest more of your time into the things that truly payoff now.

Leave work at work:
     Many of us are guilty of this. We take pride in our work and we want/need to do well. But our bosses don't care about your family. They don't see the importance of your child's soccer game or latest choir performance. And they won't unless you also make it a priority. Our jobs will constantly seek more and more of our time because that is just good business. Don't let them steal what precious little we have to devote to our families. Think of the elderly in your life. The parents, grandparents, and great grandparents. What do they spend their time reminiscing and telling stories about? Is it all professional conquests or is it that one time Uncle Billy cut little Suzie's hair that is shared? 

     So leave work at work. Invest in the things that truly matter. Lead your life by standards that will be remembered and push those around you to be better. Give yourself things to look back on and celebrate by spending your off duty hours wisely. Stop chasing success. And let's start seeking a life of significance together. 2021 is your family's year. You just have to make it a priority together. This year can be different if everyday our resolutions are renewed.


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