Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Instructor Spotlight: Miss Alana

Miss Alana is AWESOME! 

She's the only Little Warrior to successfully go through all our programs (children's on through adult's) and achieve her Full Instructor in our core martial arts. She's grown up here and is now giving back to future Warrior's as our lead instructor out on the mat!

Miss Alana strives to teach our Little Warriors:
"That they can overcome anything if they work hard, and always strive to be better then yesterday."

The kiddos love Miss Alana because:
She has a heart of gold and loves all our Little Warriors
She loves dad jokes and is always willing to hear new ones and swap her favorites
She is upbeat and loves cranking the music waaaaaayyyyyy up while training
She loves all things Disney and keeps up with all the new movies/show tunes
She gives some of the best hugs and her hair has a wild personality all of it's own

A few of Miss Alana's favorite things:
     Miss Alana loves staying busy, and like many of our growing Warriors she isn't very good at sitting still. Outside of Warrior's Way Miss Alana stays busy practicing with her competitive country swing dance team, works occasional weekends as an ER nurse, and is always trying to squeeze in a few misadventures with friends if possible. Miss Alana has a strong desire to hug all the baby animals and dreams of having a sassy little corgi to adventure with. She is a big lover of the 80s music and cinematography. Her favorite movie is the Princess Bride and she loves watching reruns of The Office and Parks and Rec in addition to loving all board games and playing old video arcade games. In addition to cramming in all of this awesomeness Miss Alana also loves art and can usually be found with colorful flecks of paint in her hair and occasionally on her hands.

A little bit more about Miss Alana:
     Miss Alana has been here since she was 6 years old. She has worked and trained here at Warrior's Way through high school, on into college, and even after she got her BSN in Nursing. We were her first real job. Miss Alana worked full time as an ER Nurse at our local hospital for about three years on the night shift (spending all her days off volunteering in our Little Warrior's classes) until her love for our student's finally won out. She came back home to Warrior's Way full time in 2018 and has now taken over our children's programs. We are grateful to have her back and think her experience, personality, and love of our program's mission really brings a lot of great, upbeat things to the mat.  

Here's some bonus pics of Miss Alana from her own Little Warrior days for you to enjoy (extra bonus: her baby sister Miss Vashni is also in a few of them too!):
Leveling up! 1st Black Belt Club Picture
First test! Going for White with one stripe

Always love working on weaponry

Never misses an opportunity to train with Guro Inosanto

Miss Alana you bring so much energy and experience to our program! Thank you for being you and helping give back by raising the next generation of Little Warriors.


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