Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Valentine's Traditions With The Whole Family

     Valentine's Day is one of those holidays you either love or you don't. As parents we occasionally get to enjoy the kind of romantic rendezvous that Valentine's is all about, but for the majority of us its a crazy sugar rush for the kiddos, indulging yourself with some massively available chocolate treats, and some time together as the whole family. So how can we use Valentine's to our advantage? After all isn't Valentine's Day meant to be a celebration of love?

     We know that everyone deep down needs to feel loved, cherished, and appreciated. We have all the best intentions to constantly remind them of this fact, but far too often we tend to fall short. Valentine's gives us the perfect opportunity to tell the people in our life just how precious they are. It is also a great time to start traditions, make memories and create more love not just between parent and child, but also between siblings. So here are some simple ideas to help you celebrate Valentine's Day. We kept it simple that way even if you're super busy, broke, or harried and always on the go, you can still find a quick way to share how much you adore the people you live with this Valentine's.

Exchange Valentine's
     This is one of those easy traditions that can be so meaningful throughout the years. And the younger you start, the more likely they are to continue the tradition when they've left the nest and in their own families. It doesn't matter if you buy Valentine's to exchange, or whip up some homemade ones. There is just something special about a handwritten note (or picture- depending on your child's age) from your loved ones. My mom has continued this as we've moved out, gone through college, and started families of our own. Every single one of those notes is precious and when I accidentally happen upon one of them it never ceases to make my day. I started tucking them into random books or cookbooks so I happen upon them more often. It's one of those traditions that is so easy to do and and keeps on giving.

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Give each other 'heart attacks'
     My mom started this once we were already adults and I love it. Every year we awake on Valentine's Day to our front door covered in paper hearts with reasons why she loves us on it. These 'heart attacks' as she calls them, have found their way to me from dorm life, to apartments, and on through home ownership. It's one of those simple traditions that just makes you smile and is sure to make your neighbors jealous of this sweet expression of love. As a family there are several ways to do this. Parents (or even siblings) can heart attack another's bedroom door secretly or you can make a big heart with each individual's name at the top that can be filled out by everyone throughout the week. Just make sure you put them where they're sure to be noticed and regularly brighten everyone's day. A bathroom mirror is another great space to 'heart attack' your family. So get creative and take a few minutes to share how cherished the individuals in your family are.

Make some food traditions
     Throughout the years we've heard about this being done many ways by our Little Warrior's and their families. Some families love to get all dressed up and go to a fancy dinner, others are all about not fighting hour plus dinner crowds on Valentine's day and have candle lit dinners at home. From heart shaped breakfasts that are Instagram perfect, to everyone chipping in to help make some memories and (hopefully) the meal. For those a little too busy for either fancy dining or candle lit dinners at home, you can always get dressed up fancy for a not so fancy (but memorable) fast food run. It's a great way to take something ordinary and make it extraordinary! So no matter how busy your schedule is we encourage you to have some fun by starting some Valentine's food traditions with your loved ones.
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Start a telephone Valentine's chain
     Sometimes the important people of our life don't live nearby. We always mean to call, but it's easy for those out of sight people to become out of mind. So call someone especially dear to your family. Pass the phone around and take turns sharing with this person why you love them. Then ask them to pass it forward by calling someone they love and continuing the chain. Even if they don't call another your bright voices are sure to make their day.

Pay it forward
     There are many people who no longer lucky enough to be surrounded by loved ones. So if you've got a little extra time there are several ways to make a strangers day and teach your children about giving this Valentine's day. Whether you anonymously drop roses to the elderly or single in your neighborhood, choose to make Valentine's to take to a nursing home, volunteer to walk some dogs, there are plenty of simple ways to help your children see the good in paying a little love forward and making another's day.
After all the joy we feel when showing other's loved is one of those highs that last long after.

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     So there you have it. Some simple ways to bond, make some memories, and spread the love this Valentine's Day. We know making stuff like this happen takes a bit of planning and a bit of prep, but the priceless smiles of your Little Warriors is always worth it. Keep rocking on Warrior parents!

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