Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Bye-Bye Sore Loser


  1. fair and generous behavior or treatment of others, especially in a sports contest.

No matter the age there is always a thrill that comes with playing a games. We can't help it. As humans our innate nature and drive is to win. Now some competition isn't necessarily a bad thing. Competitive drive is what pushes us to do better in work, relationships, academics and life in general. However, a competitive streak can easily spin out of control.

Here at Warrior's Way we're not about winning at all costs. We try to teach your kiddos that good sportsmanship means honoring everyone on the field of the competition, including opponents, instructors, parents and spectators. Because sportsmanship, when it really comes down to it isn't about games or rules, but rather it is about treating others with respect and being a good person. 

There is no great secret to teaching sportsmanship. Kids follow our lead and need chances to test what they're learning. Most Warrior characteristics are like a muscle. They need to be utilized frequently to become stronger and ingrained within your child. We know that the lessons we teach on the mat work best with what y'all are already doing at home. It's that easy. We're the adults and the kids are watching. Hope this article helps you set the example and instill the principle at home so the little Warriors can follow.


Not sure what kind of sportsman your kiddo is yet? 
Put these character building lessons and their skills to the test:

Don't forget to stop by the front desk and register for 
Our Warriors have been training hard all month to prep for this event! 
See you on the mat. Details posted throughout our academy

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Instructor Spotlight: Getting to Know Mr. Parker

Warrior's Way is a family business. 
Our team of instructors are family. We value them not only because we know they are so influential to our students and vital to our mission, but also because they are such a huge part of our personal lives. As such we want to recognize the great instructors who are helping us, help you, raise a warrior. 

In getting to know our staff we hope that you feel a greater part of our family, that you can see some of the good work our program has done for other warrior children (many of whom still train and we are blessed to have work with us and your kiddos), and that together we can grow closer as an instrumental team that is helping shape the leaders of tomorrow. Your warriors are the future and we want to help them be the very best they can be. Here are the people who are the backbone of our mission. They mean so very much to us. I hope that getting to know them a little more over the next few months sheds some light 
on our goals for you and your child.

Thank you for having us on your team and
thank you for trusting us by sharing your loved ones with us.
We love our time with your special little warrior and seeing them (and y'all) achieve goals.

Mr. Parker is AWESOME! 
He has been training with us and helping shape Little Warriors for six years!

He loves working at Warrior's Way because:
he gets to "see the growth and development in kids that continue to train over the years."

The kiddos love Mr. Parker because: 
He is always trying to make them laugh
He brings such a great energy to classes
His Bruce Lee sound effects are the best!
He is always adding spins and combat rolls to his lessons

A little bit more about Mr. Parker:
Mr. Parker went to high school here in Wichita Falls at Rider High School. He played football and came to try martial arts because a friend kept inviting him to class. Six years later it is still one of the best decisions he ever made. Mr. Parker's (or Mr. Perky to his fellow team-mates) is living out his dream job as a martial arts instructor and we are so proud of the amazing leader he has become. Leadership is definitely one of the Warrior characteristics he brings to the mat.

Our team just wouldn't be the same without him. We can't thank him enough.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Raising Compassionate Children in an Unkind World

     In today's culture compassion and kindness are under attack. We live in a highly competitive environment were selfishness and egocentrism have become the norm. It is a dog eat dog world and it kind of feels like if you aren't looking out for yourself no one will. 

     We feel that a world with that outlook will be an even darker place for our children to grow up and raise their own families in. It is up to us to stop the trend and raise the next generation to be different. As parent's you have a special job. You get to raise up the next generation of leaders. You can't rely on the world to decide what is best for your child. No one is invested in their future quite like you are. 

Our homes have to be the first line of defense. They're like preparatory battle camps where we raise our children up to be strong warriors capable of going against societal norms. Only then can we hope to create the kind of ripple effect that kindness and compassion can have on the world and our future as a whole.We love compassion because its the wellspring of so many other special qualities; like kindness, love and generosity, and will serve our children so well in multiple aspects of their lives.

     In trying to teach your kiddos about compassion this month we've been focusing on the principle of filling people's love bucket. In case you're unfamiliar with the concept, the love bucket is an invisible meter that every person carries with them. Every moment of every day that bucket is being filled with acts of love and kindness or emptied when treated poorly or facing hardship. People are being filled and crushing today or they are being drained and struggling. It has been great hearing all of your littles share with us ways they have filled or raised another person up today. They're really being creative and striving to be more compassionate in school and at home. 

     Of course our lessons are best coupled with reinforcement from their number one heroes/mentors (aka y'all) so we thought this great read might help you further instill the principle of compassion in your family's life. Happy parenting! 


Monday, September 3, 2018

A Generational Call to Action

Every generation is different. We all grew up in different ages and faced different problems. As such, there isn't a lot of preparation to ready parents to face the generational struggles their children will encounter...

Currently, our technological society is molding a weaker generation. Kids these days just aren't able to connect with others as well, they are used to getting what they want (when they want it), they aren't used to overcoming failure, and overall just can't cope with the mundane aspects of life as well. 

Is this our fault? As parents we all have the best of intentions. I mean who doesn't want to make their kiddos happy 24/7? We want to give them the world! We want their lives to be awesome and enriched. We definitely don't want them to be disappointed ever because they are so special and important to us. Sound familiar? But we all make mistakes. 

I loved this article for pointing out it's ok for kids not to be happy all the time. As parents this is a mantra we need to remember. It goes against everything Pinterest and Insta parenting promotes, but the truth is our kids need us to realize this. 
The endless stream of instant happiness does not make a strong Warrior. It doesn't help our children cope with the realities of the world in the long term.

Take a look at this and see if this call to action resonates with you. Change might be met with eye rolls and resistance for a little bit, 
but it always leads to a brighter future.



Sunday, September 2, 2018

Fall Family Fun

The weather is about to start cooling down.
So it's a great time to start planning things you can do with your family.

Get outside, see the colors and make some memories.
Here's an article with over 30 awesome ideas for activities you can do as a family.
I think I'm going to have to find an apple orchid!!

30+ Fall Activities Every Family Should Do This Season

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Digital Diversions During Family Time

The BEST thing you can GIVE your child is your time and attention!

Join us on the mat each month for Family Participation Days. #FamilyTimeIsTheBestTime
