Monday, October 29, 2018

Halloween Safety

Halloween is a magical time full of spooks, ghouls, and pumpkin fun. Kids absolutely love it. The trick or treating, classroom parties, costumes, and sugar rush all instantly make Halloween our kiddo's favorite. For parents there is often a fine line between Halloween fun and safety concerns. Here's a great post with quick tips on how to keep this spooky holiday from being a scary one.

We hope you have an AMAZING Halloween!


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Tricky People: Things to Teach You Child Before Trick or Treating

     With Halloween coming up it's time to start thinking about how to protect our kiddos and ensure they have a safe night while trick or treating. Halloween can be a big scary night, but not because of costumes. Whether you trick or treat with your child, let them go in a group, send them out alone or with a sibling, Halloween can be a ripe opportunity for your child to get lost or separated from the group by accident or by people who's intentions are far from noble.

     We work on stranger danger with your Warriors regularly. We want them to feel comfortable saying "No", fighting and running (when needed) while yelling for help, and with telling a safe adult what happened after. But what if your child gets lost and needs an adult's help to locate you? Do they know how to recognize a safe stranger?? Have you reiterated how to recognize a tricky adult who might not truly be trying to help them? Do you as a family, have a safe word or password that allows your child to leave an area with another adult?

     These are scary topics to think about, but teaching our children the information and skills they need in order to handle unsafe situations breeds confidence- not fear. When everything is said and done, the phrase "knowledge is power" undoubtedly applies to our children keeping themselves safe. As much as we wish we could physically be present always and protect our kiddos from everything, that is just not reality. So don't lose sleep over this. You can empower your child and give them confidence by teaching them what to do in these kinds of situations.

     This article by our sister school, Pride Mixed Martial Arts in Edmond Oklahoma, offers some great advice on how to seek out a safe adult and practice feeling courageous and strong in these kind of situations. A few other safety points we would like to make include:
  1. Teach your child that in addition to women (as the below article suggests), strangers in uniform (i.e. Police officers, fire fighters, EMS, nurses, military personnel, store workers, and security guards) tend to be good guys and the safest in a situation where your child is lost and/or need help
  2. Teach your child that if an adults needs help, they'll ask another adult for help. Not a kid. This is important to stress because only tricky people try to lure a child away by asking a kid for their help.
  3. Setup a family password. If an emergency were to arise and you or another family member cannot pick the child up from school, or an event it is best to have a family password setup in advance. This password has to be given by the neighbor or friend attempting to pick the child up before the child leaves the area with them. This is important because as much as we want to trust the people in our lives, statistics show that children are taken advantage of primarily by someone they are familiar with rather than a true stranger they've never met. Instilling a family password lets your child know all is safe and this empowers them during stressful or scary situations. Be sure to quiz them on this password routinely and change it once utilized.
Overall the important thing to remember is:

"It's not what you do for your children,
but what you have taught them to do for themselves
that will make them successful human beings" (Ann Landers)

Hope this helps! Check the full article out here and get ready 
to have an AMAZING safe and fun Halloween with your Warrior!


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Instructor Spotlight: Miss Vashni

Miss Vashni is AWESOME! 

She grew up in our children's program, got her Junior Black Belt, and we've been her first and only job since her teenage years.

She loves working at Warrior's Way because:
"I love spending time with the kiddos at Warrior's Way. They are all so happy and funny. They put a smile on my face every day!

The kiddos love Miss Vashni because: 
She is so sweet!
She loves to laugh and play with them
She is a great example of patience and kindness
She is never too busy to help fix a boo-boo or resolve a conflict

A little bit more about Miss Vashni:
Miss Vashni (aka Bunny or Bumbi to her family here at WW) is a rock star! She is unique because she is so capable of assisting with the business side of things as well as stepping onto the mat and rocking it in class if needed. Miss Vashni is married to her sweetheart and loves her two fur baby puppies, Leeloo and Cooper, very much. She grew up in Wichita Falls pretty much her whole life. She loves working with her family and is a true asset to our team. Her heroes are parents Tuhon Harley and Krystal because "they raised me to be a strong woman and I would not be the person I am today without them!"

A few of Miss Vashni's favorite things:
When asked to pick a favorite food she said "EVERYTHING! I love food." She sure can eat for such a tiny thing. A few of Miss Vashni's other favorite things are pigs, owls, hedgehogs, dogs, babies, aimless trips to Hobby Lobby, the color burgundy, the movie Moulin Rouge, listening to music, having a dance party, and painting/drawing in her free time.

Some tiny Warrior pictures of Miss Vashni just for fun:

Miss Vashni and sister Miss Alana at their Jr. Black Belt Test

Our team just wouldn't be the same without her. 
We can't thank her enough for everything she does!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Parenting Styles: How to Make the Change

     As a part of the team helping raise your Warrior child we know that this parenting thing is not an exact science. Parenting your little is a roller coaster of a journey with lots of ups, downs, and unforgettable memories. We wish there was a cheat code that instantly helped you raise a well rounded child, but we haven't found it yet. Thankfully, we are all in this together and families are the center of our mission here at Warrior's Way. So while you manage the day to day task of raising your Warrior you can count on us to be in your box, and at your back, coaching you through the hurdles of parenting.

Image result for parent encouraging child
     Last month we shared an article with y'all that touched on different parenting styles and how they affect growing children. Maybe you were familiar with Baumrind's theories or maybe that was all new info for you. Regardless, research shows that kids led by authoritative figure are stronger and more prepared for the challenges of adulthood. Authoritative parenting focuses on high expectations/limits coupled with the warmth, support, and resources your child needs to succeed. It is the same kind of consistent, positive, open reasoning leadership that we use on the mat in our academy to guide children.
      As a parent you probably already lean towards one style more than the others. It probably feels natural based on how you were raised and personal experience. However, life is about growing and changing. You can adopt a more authoritative style of parenting even if it's not your default reaction. It just takes some conscious action while you work on building these new habits

     Today's article gives us some easy outlined steps to start this process of change. We hope that with a little time, attention, and flexibility you can find better balance in your home. After all, leveling up your parenting skills helps the whole family learn and grow. Hope this helps!
